lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013


I'm going to talk about Halloween.
Halloween, also known as Halloween or All Souls Night, is a festival of Celtic origin which  celebrated internationally on the night of October 31, especially in English-speaking countries such as Canada, USA, Ireland or the United Kingdom.
The origin of Halloween can be found in the ancient Druids Ireland, in celebration of Samhain. The date  celebrates the beginning of the cold season and give the welccome  ghosts of dead relatives, returning to the world of the living to be reunited with their families.
Halloween was first celebrated in the United States, reaching to become one of the most important holidays. The day is often associated with the colors orange, black and purple. Typical activities include the famous Halloween trick or treating and costume parties, visiting haunted houses, jokes, reading scary stories and viewing of horror films.
The most famous traditions of Halloween is trick or treating. The children, dressed in their Halloween costumes, walk the neighboring houses to collect candy under the premise "trick or treating". If the candy come to your hands, all content and happy. Otherwise, it will turn to mischief.


One of the typical dishes are apples halloween candy, which are given to children.

Today, Halloween is one of the most important dates in American and European holiday calendar.

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